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China's fresh fruit imports rebounded in 2017, and exports dropped slightly. Thailand's imports were the first

UpdateTime : 2017/03/03  Hits :   

According to China Customs statistics, fresh fruit imports rebounded in 2017 compared with the previous year, while exports declined slightly. The following is the analysis of specific entries:

Import growth Thailand ranks first in import volume

In 2017, China imported 4 million 405 thousand tons of fresh fruit and imports amounted to US $5 billion 590 million, an increase of 12% and 5% over the same period last year. As a whole, the trend of import decline was reversed in 2016.

As can be seen from the chart, China's top 10 fresh fruit imports are similar to those in 2016, still dominated by the traditional Southeast Asian market. And in 2017, Thailand imported $1.196 billion, accounting for 21% of total imports, followed by Chile, which imported $1.023 billion, accounting for 18% of total imports. Thai market alone, in 2017, Thailand's total export of fruit increased 41%, including fresh longan, durian, mangosteen and other exports have increased significantly.

Other sources of higher imports were Vietnam ($658 million), the Philippines ($531 million), and the United States ($420 million). Oceania's New Zealand ($354 million), Australia ($276 million), followed by South Africa ($227 million), Peru ($220 million) and Ecuador ($100 million). The import of fresh fruits in the ten countries accounted for 89% of the total imports of fresh fruits in China.