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PMA fruit and vegetable Friendship Conference enters the countdown six themes, focusing on the present and future of fruit and vegetable industry

UpdateTime : 2017/03/04  Hits :   

The annual PMA Friendship Conference will be held on March 21 in Shenzhen Junyue Hotel. This year, about 150 people from the fruit and vegetable industry will attend. The conference will focus on six major themes: the status quo of the global fruit and vegetable industry, the future of Chinese retail industry and electricity merchants, exploring the power of block chain technology, gaining a place in the Chinese market with high-quality brands and innovative varieties, the far-reaching impact of growing domestic cultivation, and zero-distance contact with global fruit and vegetable CEOs.

The content design and topic arrangement of the six thematic modules of the conference are rich and exciting, and the international and domestic big cafes are invited as guests of speeches and forums to give you in-depth analysis of mass information.