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2018 Sanya international Mango Industry Conference - Wan GuoFengyun will help Hainan tropical fruits go international

UpdateTime : 2017/03/04  Hits :   

Hainan is located in the tropics, the island is rich in all kinds of fruits, of which Sanya mango is especially famous. In 2016, Sanya announced to the world the establishment of "Sanya mango" regional public brand. In the past two years, Sanya Mango Association has carried out fruitful brand promotion throughout the country, so that the reputation of Sanya Mango is not worried about selling. Sanya mango, as another reason for falling in love with Sanya, is a proud business card of Sanya people. People travel to Hainan, not only to visit the island scenery, enjoy seafood delicacies, but also eat the island's rare fruit.

In 2014, the total area of tropical fruit trees in China was 40.6 million mu, with a yield of 36.28 million tons and a output value of 13.813 billion yuan, which has become the main source of income for some farmers in hot areas. Hainan accounted for 6.13% of the country's tropical fruit area, 8.54% of the output, 11.65% of the output, leading China's tropical fruit industry. How can we better enhance the industrial value of Sanya mango and Chinese mango industry, cultivation standards, ripening and preservation, deep processing or combination of agriculture and tourism? How to make China's current mango brand to a higher level is an urgent need for China's fruit industry to explore and research direction.

In this context, sponsored by Sanya Municipal People's Government, China Fruit Circulation Association, China Entry and Exit Biosafety Research Association (AQSIQ), Sanya Propaganda Department, Sanya Commercial Bureau, Sanya Agricultural Bureau, Sanya Mango Association, WanguoFengyun Asian Fruit Fair The 2008 Sanya International Mango Industry Congress and Tropical Fruit Industry Exposition will be held at Sanya Mangrove Hotel from March 20 to 23.

The theme of the activity is "agriculture and tourism integration", another reason for falling in love with Sanya. Let Sanya become the leader of the world mango industry. ''. The activities include the first quarter regular meeting of China Fruit Association Leading Enterprise Alliance, Sanya International Mango Industry Congress reception reception and annual conference of 2010,000 Fruit Fengyun, Sanya International Mango Industry Congress main forum, Tropical Fruit Industry Exposition, International Tropical Fruit Industry Sub-Forum (Fire Dragon Fruit, Passion Fruit, Lotus Fog,etc.). Saint Girl Fruit, Honeydew Melon, Banana, Wanguo Business School Phase 2 Course: Fruit Chain Store Training Camp, International Tropical Production and Marketing Docking Meeting, SanyaLianwu Town Visit, Mango Picking Festival, WanguoFengyunHui Hainan Origin Wanlihang and other features.

The event will show the current situation and future of tropical fruits in Sanya and even China from the aspects of mango industry, new tropical fruits industry and development trend. It will help tropical fruits in China to improve their competitiveness and better enter the international market.